This dish has been optimized for 3 servings. Quantity and times may need to be varied. Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes:
If the quantities are increased, the cooking time may be extended, so look again. Use water & spices sparingly at first and add more later if needed.
Preheat the oven to 180˚C (160˚C for fan ovens) Gas Mark 4.
Fry the onion in the oil for 5-8 minutes over a low to moderate heat until the onions are caramelised. Add the vinegar and brown sugar with a 3tbsp water and bubble until the onions are soft and the liquid is reduced to a sticky glaze.
Fry the sausages according to the pack instructions. Toast the bread buns in the oven for 3-4 minutes then split open and fill with a little watercress, onion marmalade and the sauces. Add 2 sausages per bun and you're good to go! For an easy lunch serve your sausage sandwiches with a simple side salad made with the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and topped with the remaining sliced red onion.