This dish has been optimized for 4 servings. Quantity and times may need to be varied. Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes:
If the quantities are increased, the cooking time may be extended, so look again. Use water & spices sparingly at first and add more later if needed.
Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C for fan oven), Gas Mark 4. Remove and unfold the cooking bag from top of the sachet, keeping the red tie for later use. Add all the ingredients to the bag except the coriander. Add 3 tablespoons cold water and pour in the seasoning from the sachet.
Close the bag at the end using the red tie. Mix together by gently massaging the seasoning into the ingredients. Place the bag on its side into a large ovenproof dish, spreading out the ingredients. Do not pierce the bag. Place dish on the bottom shelf of the oven. The bag expands so ensure there is enough space between racks.
Cook for 35-40 minutes. Remove from the oven leaving dish to stand for 2-3 minutes before opening - the steam will be very hot. Ensure that the chicken is fully cooked through and piping hot. Enjoy!