This dish has been optimized for 4 servings. Quantity and times may need to be varied. Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes:
If the quantities are increased, the cooking time may be extended, so look again. Use water & spices sparingly at first and add more later if needed.
Put the gram flour, salt, dry spices and baking powder into a large bowl.
Peel the sweet potato. Use a box grater to grate the potato coarsely. Add this to the bowl with the dry ingredients. Peel and chop the onion and add to the bowl.
Gently defrost the spinach in a microwave, keeping any water that comes out of the spinach. Add to this to the bowl. Tip - use fresh spinach if you prefer just wash first then pour boiling water over to wilt the spinach before mixing through as per step 4.
Using clean hands bring the mixture together - you may need to add a tablespoon of water - but try not to add too much or it will make the mixture heavy. Once it is fully combined leave to rest for 10 minutes.
Fill a saucepan with 3 inches of vegetable or sunflower oil and bring up to frying temperature (180˚C or when a small piece of white bread browns in about 30 seconds). Take care never to leave the oil heating without your attention! Drop small spoonfuls carefully into the oil, turning them over to cook on both sides for a minute or two until golden brown and cooked through. Leave to drain on some kitchen paper while you continue cooking the rest of the mixture.
To make the green chutney simply blend the yogurt, fresh herbs, lemon juice, chilli, sugar and grated root ginger (adding a tablespoon of water if needed to loosen the mixture) in a small food processor until you have a smooth green dipping sauce. Serve the warm pakoras with the green chutney and Maggi Masala Chilli Sauce.